Sunday, April 19, 2009

Demand #33: Love Your Neighbor With The Same Commitment You Have To Your Own Well-Being

. . . as yourself. — Matt. 22:39

From the workbook (click link below to read and/or download a free copy of the book and workbook)

Explain why Jesus assumes we love ourselves. Is he right? Why or why not? How is this profoundly counter-cultural for 21st century America?

When does self-love become sinful pride and selfishness?

Why is the second commandment threatening to our desires to be happy? How is this threat averted?

What, according to Jesus, is to be the new form of our self-love?

Reflect upon the various expressions of neighbor-love that are listed in the final section of the

Describe how an authentic love for God will overflow in love for neighbor in each of these ways. Which people in your life could you put some of these suggestions into practice for?

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